Hard-Packed Sands of South Beach
Created Feb 23, 2016
Route is visible to:
Miami Beach, FL, United States
This route is by far my favorite! It takes you from 23rd Street south all the way past 1st Street to Government Cut. These hard-packed sands provide the best viewing stage for all that is Miami and its beaches. On Sunday and Friday afternoons you’ll be able to see the giant ships pulling out of port, so I try to time my runs during these times. The footing is just the way I like it, with some cushion for my stride and some resistance for strength building. This run is good in the mornings or afternoons, although in the afternoons you may have to dodge some of the beachgoers going home. The best part of this run is that after you’re done you can go for swim!
4.64 mi
188 ft
Elevation Gain
Activity Type
40 ft
116 ft
188 ft